Before starting, make sure you read the requirement to make sure your hardware meets the necessary requirements.
Installing Environment
OS: Linux/arm64 or Linux/amd64
Python Version >= 3
1. Clone Installer Source Code
# 1. go to the home directorycd# 2. Clone the installer source codegitclone 3. Checkoutgitcheckoutv0.1.0
2. Install Dependencies
# 1. go the installer foldercdjoltify-installer# 2. install the requirementspip3install-rrequirements.txt
3. Prepare Config Files
# Cp Set mainnet configcp.env.example.env.mainnet# or Set testnet configcp.env.example.env.testnet# as for the configuration details, please refer to the Configuration section
4. Start Installing
# Run the
You can add these items in the configuration file to override the default settings. Before making any modifications, please make sure you understand the purpose of each item.
Local Chain
Peer Chain
# rpc: the rpc address of the peer chainrpc# api: the rest address of the peer chainapi# peers: the p2p address of the peer chain# mainnet peers: "1063f14d45345b3ed0c0e533bda52e78de754d24@,34e0148645d860f45db510981f15da94b6b9d6ce@,2dd612a8c7268da6685c612f956eba2f42ae06f3@"
# parameters in `app.toml` fileapiServergrpcServergrpcWebServer# parameters in `config.toml` fileabciApprpcLAddrp2pLAddrpprofLAddr
# default: the last 362880 states are kept, pruning at 10 block intervals# nothing: all historic states will be saved, nothing will be deleted (i.e. archiving node)# everything: 2 latest states will be kept; pruning at 10 block intervals.# custom: allow pruning options to be manually specified through 'pruning-keep-recent', and 'pruning-interval'pruningpruningKeepRecentpruningInterval
# full: Full Node (download chain data and run locally)# client: Client Node (setup a daemon and query a public RPC)nodeType# desired node name, cant be blanknodeName# Use swap if less than 32GB RAM are detected# true or falseswapOn# There have been reports of replay from genesis needing extra swap (up to 64GB) to prevent OOM errors.# Use swap if less than 64GB RAM are detected# true or falseextraSwapOn# Data Sync Selection# genesis: Start at block 1 and automatically upgrade at upgrade heights (replay from genesis)# exit: Only install the daemondataSync# Replaying Setup# true: start cosmovisor as a background service and replay now# false: do not start replay nowreplayNow
# The name of your validator and this can not be blankvalidatorMoniker# The validator's (optional) security contact emailsecurityContact# The validator's (optional) detailsdetails# The optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase)identity# The validator's (optional) websitewebsite# the staking amount currently being self delegated to the validatorstakeAmount# the commission rate charged to delegatorscommissionRate# the maximum rate the commission can be set tocommissionMaxRate# the maximum rate the commission can be changed in one changecommissionMaxChangeRate# the minimum self delegation required to be a validatorminSelfDelegation