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Keplr Wallet Connection

1. Download the Keplr Wallet Extension

  • Download the Keplr wallet extension from the Chrome Web Store.

2. Setup the Keplr wallet

Users have the following options to set up their accounts in the Keplr wallets.

  • Create a new wallet.

  • Import an existing wallet.

  • Connect Hardware Wallet (Ledger and Keystone are officially supported).

3. Connect Joltify chain in the Keplr wallet

  • Add Joltify mainnet chain in the Keplr wallet.

  • Add Joltify testnet chain in the Keplr wallet.

4. Enable chain visibility in the Keplr wallet

  1. Go to "Settings" -> "General" -> "Manage Chain Visibility".

  2. Search "Joltify Mainnet/Testnet network" by typing joltify for mainnet / JoltDev3 for testnet.

  3. Tick the box to enable the visibility of the Joltify mainnet/testnet network in the Keplr wallet.

5. Copy your jolt-address

  1. Open the Keplr Wallet extension.

  2. Click on "Copy Address" button.

  3. copy your jolt-address.

MetaMask Wallet Connection

1. Download the MetaMask Wallet Extension

  • Download the Metamask wallet extension from the Chrome Web Store.

2. Add accounts in the MetaMask wallet

Users have the following options to set up their accounts in the Keplr wallets.

  • Add a new account

  • Import account.

  • Add hardware wallet (Ledger , Trezor, and Lattice are officially supported).

    • Tutorial for Ledger.

    • Tutorial for Trezor.

    • Alternatively, you can connect your QR hardware wallet.

3. Connect Joltify EVM chain in the MetaMask wallet

Users can use the following configuration to add Joltify EVM network in the MetaMask wallet.

Joltify EVM Mainnet Config

  • Chain Name: joltify-evm-mainnet

  • Chain ID: 1729

  • Currency Symbol: JOLT

  • Explorer URL: To be updated

Joltify Testnet

Last updated