Table of Content
Mainnet Endpoints
These following API's are recommended for development purposes. For maximum control and reliability it's recommended to run your own node. This can be easily accomplished by using the Joltify installer.
gRPC endpoints: grpc.joltify.io:443
gRPC-gateway: https://rpc.joltify.io
lcd-endpoint: https://lcd.joltify.io
LCD Swagger:
lcd swagger: https://lcd.joltify.io/swagger/#/
Testnet Endpoints
gRPC endpoints: grpc-dev3.joltify.io:443
gRPC-gateway: https://rpc-dev3.joltify.io
lcd-endpoint: https://rest-dev3.joltify.io
LCD Swagger:
lcd swagger: https://rest-dev3.joltify.io/swagger/
Joltify provides front-end for mainnet and testnet in the following endpoints:
Mainnet: https://app.joltify.io/
Testnet: https://testnet2.joltify.io/
The following is a list of explorers available.
BigDipper: https://explorer.joltify.io/joltify
BlockScout: To be updated
BigDipper: https://explorer-dev.joltify.io/joltify
BlockScout: https://evm-explorer-dev.joltify.io
Last updated